Monday, May 26, 2008

say a little prayer..

is this a karma?

my grandmother is hospitalised for serious chest infection- in TTSH.. I immediately went down to see her on Saturday night when Aunt Madeline smsed me that she's hospitalised. When I saw her, again my heart sank. it hurts to see her usual cheerful self with us, to be so uncomfortable now. And i realised, she has slimmed down a little. I hope she's okay, please keep her in your prayers.. thanks my friends..

At the same time, I went to visit him.. I saw the operation on his throat is done, and his mouth has one tube less, cos it's now attached to the thing on his throat. I didn't go in cause it was already midnight. From outside, I can see him clearly, without the neck braces anymore. And I could just know its still him. He had some scratches on his legs as while. An additional bandage around his left eye, think its some cream or lubricant to help him open his eyes without pain, cos close too long already. Can see that he is recovering quite fast also. But still, we all know it won't be the same as before. But most importantly is still he gets well soon.

Don't blame the maid - it's your mother anyway, why don't you just check yourself and blame yourself? Afterall, she's just a maid, not a nurse. And she's not MY maid Ayu. Its different. And it'll never be the same anymore.

It'll just never be the same anymore..

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