Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
monday night i had the most unbearable gastric pain that i had to go to the hospital. I was crying. Damn. Went to hospital at about 10.15pm and reached home only at 1am. Doctor arranged for an appointment with the gastroenterology department. And they called me yesterday afternoon and gave me my appointment date. Wonderful! 31st december. Oh gosh and i have to work on that day!! It's countdown party man! And while in between waiting for my appointment day, doctor gave me medication for 3 full weeks. Oh man! I see the medicine i nearly faint xia. Goodness! It's so much!!
I guess I really have to take care of this tiny thing called gastric. -.-" it really can kill me.. I nearly died from bearing the pain. Luckily dad is back and he accompanied me to hospital. Otherwise I don't know what I'll do or who I'll call man.. *sighs*
I've not been having a good 'end of the year' this time.. everything is so wrong..
Can you remember what you did or ate 2 weeks ago when the thing is not significant to you? crazy... Some people tried to find fault with me for a function which happened 2 weeks ago almost 3 weeks and wants an answer. like so stupid. anyway it's not my fault its her fault! so c'mon wake up! If you really dislike me and want to pick on me, just come to me straight! don't go one big round. And don't you have a mouth to convey messages yourself? or and you sure have that fast typing fingers to send a nasty e-mail with bombastic words to bomb me so why don't you do it? oh.. maybe you're guilty huh. but i don't think you'll be because to you, the whole world is wrong and only you are right. I'm so sorry. I'm not a boot licker. my tongue is used to taste food, not to lick your boots!!
Things and 'news' can go on spreading, true and false be it. Sooner or later, the truth will come to light. I don't need anyone to know or recognise the hard work or effort or commitment one puts in. Just know in the heart and appreciate will do. Yet some people just don't even know how to say two simple words - THANK YOU. how unappreciative. It's okay.. just tolerate.. till the time is ripe... the fruit will grow and it'll drop and grow else where!
I believe I can, I will and I MUST!
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
This is so true!!! (for me)
Number 1
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It WAS a shitty day but MADAGASCAR 2 brightened up my day especially catching it with TF, kx and his gf whom i forgot to ask for her name. LOL!
I need to reflect upon.. 0n what i want exactly.. GAstric haven't been good for more than 2 months. I really need to go for scope.. hopefully by early december, which will be around next week.. hai.. TF heard that?!?! LOL!!! i know you're reading this! LOL!
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
okay. i'm here to talk about how much i've lost. I've lost more than 10kg over 2 months - due to my damned gastric problems. Some say it's good, but I say it's bad because I lost weight due to sickness!! =/ But physically I really lost alot, to the extend I have colleague who thought I was pregnant and went to ask Angeline "eh Emmeline give birth already is it?" I was like WTF?!?!?!? can't be that bad bah?!! LOL!! but anyway, I've really become so much slimmer, slimmer than before I became fatter. LOL! I could even wear my working skirts size L!! LOL! back then was L(but very tight) so XL was comfy. Now the L is comfy! LOL!! blah blah blah.. But like what horsie said, physically look good but mentally and health not good also not good. LOL!! ya man.. I have to maintain, or be better!!
I'm so damn sad!!! I lost my stack of passport photos which includes photos of TF, buddee and my family!!! =( Hopefully someone will return, though I do not have addresss written but photo says it. And I've made a report to Comfort thinking I could have dropped it in the cab when I went home after visiting 24hrs clinic on last Friday night. That damned 24hrs clinic cost me $60 before mecdication and $81 after medication!!! goodness!!! ='(
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Sunday, November 23, 2008
i think god is testing my level of tolerance, to give me that woman to tolerate with. dammit. she's damn unprofessional - to hang up on me and to draw lines and to malign me! that's the thing i hate most! shit man. At least i know im good. better off than her.
people just got no eyes to see. just because im young for my age, they deem im not good enough for an advancement. I'm fine with it. because i never wanted an advancement, though it was my manager's decision. But at least I know that people do not see the staff's capability and ability but it whether they like you or not. Sorry I'm not a boot licker nor someone who knows how to curry favour, thus, I lose out here. But at least I'm true. Not like that who are hypocrites and double faced. disgusting!!
Being bullied at work is not a good thing to tolerate but my tolerance level is higher than what they expect. I may cry but I'll still tolerate. wait till the day comes and the truth will come to light. Don't play a fool!! I may be small and weak on the inside but I'm strong on the outside!!
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Monday, November 17, 2008
A cousin of mine, who is just one year older than me, is diagnosed with throat cancer 2nd stage. My gosh. I was so shocked to know that..
People are leaving, one by one. It's so scary at times to think of that. How it feels when you know you're about to die? Gosh. I tried asking myself. I can't answer...
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Sunday, November 9, 2008
you sang to me..
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Friday, October 24, 2008
17th October 2008 (Friday)
On 17th October 2008(Friday), my beloved grandmother left us all to reunite with her husband in the other world, after 13years.
The first time, I come in contact with a dead body. She's so cold. Motionless. The thought of it just makes me tear. I held her hand, but I didn't feel her grip. I looked at her, talked to her, but she didn't respond to me. Before she's being pushed off for coroner's check, I gave her a kiss on her forehead and said 'byebye', like I always do when I bid her goodbye in the Hospital. Until now, I just cannot believe she have left us, totally. I really miss her..
I felt regretful, for I actually had the chance to see her for the last time, but due to some reasons, I delayed the time I had to go to the hospital, and by the time i reached the Hospital, I was 10 minutes late to see her for the last time...
Time is really precious. Even one second can make a difference. Moreover it's 10 minutes.
Her funeral/wake is over. Last day on Tuesday, the critical day. The day we would totally not see her anymore. The feeling - indescribable. Even when burning the incense papers, I know she's still physically around and I still talked to her, looked at her. Changing her water for washing up every morning. Making sure the joss sticks doesn't burn out and what so ever. I tried to be strong but at times I really could not control. I wasn't even prepared to be praying at her. The thought of it, really feels like a sharp needle piercing through my heart. Though I wasn't close to her before she had stroke, but during her time when she was bed ridden after she was down with stroke, I did my part to take care of her. Getting to know more about her medical condition so that when help is needed, I can do my part. Keeping her happy, visiting her frequently especially when she's in the Hospital, to the extend, some nurses and other visitors thought she was my mother as seldom would people see grandchildren visiting their grandparents alone and late at night, looking after her and accompanying her. Now I want to do more is also too late. Cremation was the most difficult part, for I know, I'll never get to see her again, not physically. The part when I see her coffin being pushed in for cremataion by an automated machine, the feeling was like - I know she's leaving us totally, and that I'll never get to see her again. That was the part that hurt the most......
I wanna thank all my friends, colleagues, relatives who helped contributed. 有心了。And also friends who were there for me and helped me in any way especially Jessie, Angeline, ChinLik, Ryan, Derick, Salim, buddee FuSheng, TF and Allisson. 大家有心了。
I extended my leave for the whole week for certain things had happened and I do not wish to say it here. However, I just would like to take a break from everything.. I took a walk in Pasir Ris Park - Alone. Enjoying the breeze and looking at happy families and couples together... So envious...
Another 2 days and I have to be back to work. Time flies.. Unbeliveable. But this is reality. She's gone for exactly one week as of today..I even faced diffuculty typing this entry as I don't know how to describe the feelings and I'm still crying at the same time. I really miss her...
"Ma ma, I miss you a lot. Hope you are well and okay and have reunited with Ye Ye. Be happy and bless the family with your love. You are free from your suffering and hope you are enjoying life with Ye Ye now. Take Care..."
Posted by
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
update of my life..
it's time to update a little on my life..
It has been really much better in my heaven.. I really can't remember when was the last time i felt like this already.
I'm reading a book called 'Happiness in a Nutshell' and one of the pages says this...
Posted by
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I went to visit my miracle doctor on Thursday.. at Ang Mo Kio.. It was like 10 years ago since i last visited that clinic. LOL it's my childhood doctor. hahah.. hey do not have my records anymore when I went there. LOL! 10 years already man! LOL! BUT!!! the receptionist and the Doctor still can remember me!!!! LOL!!! OMG that goes to shoe that my features really never change. LOL!!! well, miracle doctor gave me medication which was really miracle. She told me to take the medication first den go and eat normal food but of course not too large a portion la. and i did so. MIRACULOUSLY i did not vomit!!! but... i tried a few times not taking the medication and went to eat, and i vomitted. I do not want to rely on the medication. But it seems like i have to have my medication before i have my meal otherwise i will vomit. goodness gracious.. so damn sad... =(
Been hearing many people's experience with gastric and going for scope and people asking me to go for scope.. which i'm so afraid of.. =( Should i go for scope?? =S hai.. i'm really scared!!!! =X oh gosh....
Posted by
Monday, October 6, 2008
bad bad bad...
It's horrible.. My gastric is giving me problems for close to a month already! and it got worst! I vomitted my dinner on Wednesday night and took a long time to decide to go to the doctor on thursday morning. Doctor diagnosed Gastric Flu.. -.-" gave me medication but didn't work. because i vomit my lunch after taking my medicine. -.-" den night time after dinner took medicine still felt nauseating.
Friday morning went to work, had very light breakfast still vomitted again. Had light lunch still vomitted. went back to doctor after lunch and doctor tells me ' you have to go on clear fluids now. just like on drips. you can even forget abotu porridge or noodles already. just plain clear fluids' and she gave me a list of drinks that i can only take which out of it mostly i dont like except for water. So i was still a smart alec on friday night to still pinch on some food which i still vomitted after eating and i gave up!
I didn't eat anything on saturday and sunday. well, actually i was too hungry on sunday so i took a white bread bit by bit. was okay.
Today i thought since i didnt eat for 2 days and yester i took bread was okay, i thought i can eat. Had fish soup and vomitted again after that. hai... i gave up..
i guess i need to 'fast', totally FAST another few days. omg.. i'm like so so so hungry la!!! =(
If i still don't get well, i'll need to go back to the doctor and she'll have to recommend me to go for scope. OH MY GOD!! i'd never want that!!! ='( how to get well?? sigh... why don't just let me go hospital! -.-"
Posted by
Sunday, September 28, 2008
classically, randomly
Randomly, i just want to post this two photos i saw and burst out laughing freaking like mad. LOL!
Introducing my good boy models(from left):
WoonKiat, SongGuan,RoyChua,FaiSal,SamSon,SteVen
I can't remember how freaking long ago is this man - Faisal was still Orange and Sammy boy still around!!! LOL! have fun laughing!!! =D
And some time ago..
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another day with aunt joanne and evan. =)
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
Happy BirthDATE to the Most Un-Identical TWINS for the lifetime! =)

emmo & jiabao! =D

After zouk, Jiabao and I was supposed to go Sun Tanning the next morning but... she couldn't wake up. LOL!!! so we went to ehub! for movie and fun! =D First it was MAMMA-MIA! woots! this movie is just WONDERFULLLL!!! I guess the couple beside us must be annoyed because we were singing along almost ALL the songs!! we really enjoyed it! =D haha. like our concert. LOL! ABBA is my all-time favorite man. LOL!
After MAMMA-MIA, i brought her to GO!GO!BALL! game! LOL! we had fun man! hahaha.. throwing balls all over again. LOL the next best way to vent your frustrations and anger on, beside hitting someone. LOL! After games, it's photos time!!!

Posted by
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
a whole new world..
it's a new heaven to be in. I can't remember when was the last time i felt so comfortable already. =)
Hopefully, like what Jessie says, not to turn back anymore. hahaha
just some pics to update. been meeting up with jiabao recently and we went to somewhere, den went to DTE (-.-") outside my office to relac, chat and hug. hahhaha!!! =X really. we hugged. LOL! i remembered the first time i hugged her was when she had some trouble and she was crying - first time i see her cry till like that and the moment she saw me, she immediately came forward and hugged me. haha.. This time it was the opposite. She returned me that hug. only thing i didn't go up to her and cry and hug her, cos we were just sitting beside each other. We were chatting about stuffs and i started to cry - she gave me the warmest, dearest hug i've ever gotten... =)
In my office. =)
I guess it's true what people say - that my photos are all cut and paste. LOOK AT MY ALL THE SAME SMILES!!!! LOL! like my trademark. haha.. someone ever said i looked like those yellow faced smile with the teeth =D -.-" LOL!
Posted by
Monday, September 22, 2008
Posted by
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
fun, aches and love. =)
woo.. i did not meet the horsie yesterday cos last minute he couldn't make it. =( anyway i had my fun-filled Wednesday when my Aunt Joanne came to DTE to find me. =D

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