Sunday, April 6, 2008

waking up...

On this sunday morning, I finally woke up to my senses and decided on something which I've been thinking about.. I've decided to stop paying my house electreical bills anymore. It has no advantage to me! My two brothers are the ones using all the electricity in the world at home and I'm paying for it. It doesn't make sense! I'm gonna save up this money instead for my other bills, entertainment and leisure. I can do so much with $700 extra!! and I've been paying these money for no good reason! Its time to teach them a lesson and let them go make the arrangements and pay themselve. I'm not gonna pay anymore. Unless I really have to. I've given up hope on them, totally. I cannot stand it anymore. I can buy a new phone of my choie with $700 - even without getting any contract man! I can eat for like 2-3 months! I can buy thigns that I like without having to hesitate so much! I can do so many things with these extra $700. Ain't it a good one?!

I've decided and I'm gonna do that. Let them know how difficult it is.. They can play Mahjong in the wee hours till even early in the morning when I go work. Come back home at night, they play mahjong, morning go work they still playing. wtf. Don't they have to work?! Don't I have to sleep?! freaking hell man!!

I Am So Stupid Right

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