the flight...
haven't been updating for quite some time already. lucky someone did not come help me to clear the cob webs.. -.-"
last week was event for the Hope Church Oasis Youth Camp 2008. saw quite a few familiar faces like Dawn Quek from HIHS (MB), Lim Yi You from OLN. LOL! and some others la whom i forgot names and stuffs. =X. ya. was kinda surprised to see them though. LOL! yea.. event over, den was setup for FRF Family Day. wasn't as bad as what everyone thought was la. ya. went through quite smoothly except for some minor hiccups here and there and problems the typical singaporeans kiasu, cheapskate and demanding attitudes. LOL!! things are already given to them free and they still ask for more. think what?! PEPSI ar?! -.-" dumbass... stupid f***... (toooooottttt...) LOL!!
TF has been volunteering himself to work since last week and I'm happy. Because he helps to motivate me to work somehow and he brings fun to my work. rather than sulking my day away. ya. and He's the only one who can change my whole day's attitude to just HAPPY! LOL! even the way i treat people also different. LOL! man.. how to find another! not the mention the funny moments and nonsense he gave. LOL! the conversation with weizhen which she later on told me what he said. LOL! i laughed totally hilariously! LOL! but I really thank him man.. he saved me many times for work cos he agreed to help work when i'm like very short of staff. ya.. He's really someone I treasure a LOT!!! =D
Went with my all time favorite girl to the Singapore Flyer.. gave her a surprise for that. wahaha.. I guess she loved it. =) after that went for dinner at billy bombers, den went to Scarlet City for Karaoke. too bad we did not take any pics at Scarlet..=( but well, shall not say more.. let some pictures speak for me.. For more pictures, please go to my new multiply website which i'm still working on.. ..
emmo! =D
emmo and biling! =D

that's all folks......
i've got too much to say that i can't remember what i exactly want to say...
let your soul take you to where you want to be..
relationship of friends don't count by years but by the heart..=)
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