alright.. i'm here to blog about my first courageous visit to ZOUK on Wednesday 24th September 2008 ( Wednesday) which is also MAMBO NIGHT! it was all along my wish to go ZOUK to see their MAMBO JAMBO NIGHT but everytime i had a chance to go, my gut feeling always pull me down - telling me if i go, something bad will happen to me. For I don't know what reason, this time i plucked up my courage to go. Sounds weird but ya it is.
Zouk was GREAT! I totally enjoyed myself, or rather, WE totally enjoyed OURSELVES!! =D It was the YIPS @ ZOUK! LOL! Jiabao, Carmen, Daniel and Emmo! the cousins! LOL!! We had joy, we had fun, we had everything within the lights and music!! Everyone was dancing to the Mambo steps and none of us know the steps here! So, we did all kinds of nonsense, creating our own stupid steps and carmen teaching us her signature hamster dance! LOL! we all moooooved to the music and groooved together! haha.. it was totalyl hilarious. especially when we were thinking what steps to move and stuffs like that, all kinda of nonsense came out. LOL! The steps we had were literally the lyrics, more cock than mambo steps. LOL!!!! But nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves totally! It was the first time we all go clubbing together, my first time, and also Daniel's first time! I couldn't believe all of us was so spontaneous! LOL! we danced together! LOL!
Reason partly for going - it's the incredibly Un-identical Twins Birthday!! on the 25th sept.. hahhaa...
Carmen & emmo! =D
emmo & jiabao! =D
emmo & daniel! =D
the YIPS @ ZOUK!
emmo & Carmen outside ZOUK =)
The YIPS Outside of ZOUK
In da zouk...
The most classic one. hahah
After zouk, Jiabao and I was supposed to go Sun Tanning the next morning but... she couldn't wake up. LOL!!! so we went to ehub! for movie and fun! =D First it was MAMMA-MIA! woots! this movie is just WONDERFULLLL!!! I guess the couple beside us must be annoyed because we were singing along almost ALL the songs!! we really enjoyed it! =D haha. like our concert. LOL! ABBA is my all-time favorite man. LOL!

After MAMMA-MIA, i brought her to GO!GO!BALL! game! LOL! we had fun man! hahaha.. throwing balls all over again. LOL the next best way to vent your frustrations and anger on, beside hitting someone. LOL! After games, it's photos time!!!

Then i realised I wrote the wrong chinese word! it was supposed to be PIG not HUNT. LOL!