Monday, March 17, 2008


sometimes, the good times, DTE is actually a very nice place to work at..

however, the bad times, most of the times, it sucks.. sooner or later I'll die of heart attack or high blood pressure because of DTE. -.-"

I don't know if i should hate or like my character.. some of it.. i really hate it if i'm being accused of doing something i did not do.. and i will really fight all the way to INSIST that I DID NOT DO IT! fuck it.. can't you just admit that the fault lies with you and not me! if i was at fault do you think i would bother to go to your office to clarify with you?! i'm not nuts man! i really hate it man.. argh... why are there people like that! does mistakes but does not want to admit it.. COWARDS!

In the working society, there's two kinds of people.. the people who work smart and the people who work hard. Mostly and majority, the top management people are the people who work smart. they have no guts and they carry balls.. they do not dare to take full responsibility of something and will go to the extend of pushing the responsibility to their immediate boss. WTF! the other kind, are the people who work hard... these are mostly and always the lower management, the floor staff, the operational staffs.. they work hard and almost all their life away, taking full responsibility of things going on.. when thigns goes well, the credit goes to their immediate boss - the management. when things goes wrong, the fault goes to the hardworking staff thenselves - sacked or demoted or whatever.. ridiculous isn't it??!!

yea man.. i really am living a no day no night life.. and my dark circles!!!!~~~ oh oh oh... *faints*....

"i ain't a kiddo so don't try to fool my, you idiot!"

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