happy birthDATE to Miss Emmeline - myself. =)

Thanks BiLing for the DIY picture frame. Very nice. =)
Thanks WeiZhen for the Calendar frame too. =)
Thank LiPing for drawing me! LOL! =)
Thanks JiaBao for the super BIG Pen, ELLE Wallet, handphone accessories=)
Thanks HuiYing for the Mickey Mouse Puzzle. =)
Thanks XiaoWen for the Bag and bracelet/bag charm. =)
Thanks CheeMun and gang for the Renoma Wallet. =)
Thanks Geradine for the cute crystal bear. =)
Thanks GuJie & Family for the Cute pretty wallet too. =)
Thanks Steven & Gang for the 19packets of Seaweed, 1 packet of cigarette, glow-in-the-dark stars, $19 angbao and the little musical beauty and the beast. =) - the most interesting present I've gotten. LOL! had so much laughs while opening it. hahhaa..
Thanks XiaoHui, Amelia, SongGuan, Leslie, ShuYi, Sandi, Roy, for the necklaces, earings, bracelets, accessories la. =)
Too many gifts, all in a box. =)
who else to thank? Thanks everyone who turned up for my birthDATE party. =) Really appreciated it.
I was damn freaking tired throughout man.. cos even though I'm having chalet celebrating my bdae, I was working at the same time! Working morning half day in the morning den went back to prepare whatever is needed. didn't have time to even take a nap and i was damn tired. Yawning away.. =X I really needed toothpicks to keep my eyes open at times. LOL! nevertheless, I had my fullest fun =). Initially was quite disappointed when certain people told me he/she cannot make it to my paraty. However, I didn't expect much either. At least I had a 'surprise' when someone turned up later part of the party. Some didn't come but had presents given to someone to pass me. haha.. Still glad la. =)
I can't believe it. Throughout the whole party, I was doing everything ALONE! not exactly alone, but with the help of mainly Derick. Jessie and LiPing helped some bits too. =) and also my brother.. =) and JiaBao for being my part time host. hahahha.. and my cameraman - auntie Joanne who is so cute to keep sending me MMS of what she bought for me. hahaha really appreciated it. =) Without everyone's help and presence, this party would not be a successful one so I'm very grateful! =)
Birthday is over.. long over...thus, back to work.. still tired.. =X
Alrights.. enough of words... shall let the pictures speak for me. =) The actual pictures was a little dark so I had to do a little edits. I'm not good at all these so can see will do. hahaha =x

emmo with Evan(myLEFT), Bryan(myRIGHT) The mother of the two rascals above - Aunt Joanne. =)
her new name is mitch - JIABAO.
The Yip Family
Beside me: Aunt Joyce(mitchMUM),Barry,Jiabao.mitch,Daniel(mitchBRO),dominic(orangeFACEhidden),melissa(pink),AuntMadeline(dadSIS),UncleKENNETH(auntMADhubby).
Our Friends
(ChinYang,JianLiang,NicholasChia,NicholasNeo,Barry)the mitch and emmo again..
The Lee Family
Mama(myRIGHT),Barry,UncleANDREW,AuntJOEY,UncleCHIUHOE(withBRYAN),AuntJOANNE(withEVAN),Papa(myLEFT) with the two rascals again..
The all time favorite girl - BiLing. =)That's the buddee of mine - FuSheng. =)
The best partner of mine in band (HIMB) - Melvin
The guests slacking around...

Second night was fun too. those hungry people eating all my fooood. hahahah.. my working group of people. =) Because of the stupid BeiJing Olympics Table Tennis Doubles Finals, most of them stayed in my room to watch the finals. Singapore China Women VS China Women. -.-" also is china vs china. =x LOL! come my bdae not support me but support the Olympics. WORST! they were supposrting CHINA not SINGAPORE!!! -.-" kns... i wanns sue them liao. LOL! towards the alter part it started raining.. we kept everything and squeezed into my room. Derick WeiMeng Steven they all trying to make DIY BBQ pit outside my room doorway which was actually NOT ALLOWED! =x bbq awhile den security came and tell us to keep. Lucky we know the security there since we're all working there. haha so wasn't anything serious. haha. rain stopped shortly and they transferred everything out again. LOL! left with the prawns to BBQ. hahaa. i was too tired already so i was damn quiet. =X hahaha.. emo-ing. no la. just tired cos 2 days plus working somemore... anywayy... pictured for the second day.. nothign much cos i didn't have cake anyway. =x so just took group photo. stupid chef didn't want to come into the picture, say take individual. kns. end up also never. but anyway nvm. hahaha...
My Girls: HuiBing,FangJie,ME,Esther,HuiQi LiPing and emmo.
The DTE.BQT Family
1st row: xavier,angleine,cheryl,gladys,weizhen,xueyen,xiaowen,me
2nd row: valerie,cheemun,weimeng,raymond,roy
last row: kenneth,steven,esmond
ya i know i look like a grandmother here.. -.-" they purposely put a chair and ask me to sit. now this is so much better. =)
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