Thursday, July 31, 2008

Arcade-mania.. haha

Just came back from Downtown East. Went to arcade with Mr & Mrs Tu yesterday and today, after dinner. LOL! was really fun and tiring man.. almost like gym. LOL! those games really made us perspire even! oh man.. I've never had such fun for such a long time already. Thanks Tu couple. hahha. sounds so Tu. LOL! =S oopS! anyway next week would be Bowling! wee. and I promise this august I'm gonna pamper myself more. besides the birthday party cum gathering I'm gonna have, I promise I must go for shopping to get things for myself, go for spa/massage, hair treatment - should I perm or rebond or whatever? gimme some comments please... and i promise i shall save up for the rainy days... =) and now i've got nothing better to do so.......


A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by them.

B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz.These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. How has blogger changed your life?

I used to dislike blogging but somehow certain friends actually changed my perception and told me that since I'm always so busy, blogging can actually keep friends around me updated about my life and from then on, I decided to open this blog and let people around me know what is happening to me.. =)

2. Do you daydream and if you do what do you usually find yourself 'dreaming' about?

I like to day dream about my future wedding - how would it be like and blah blah blah. I just love weddinggs! =D

3. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Someone who is being loved alot by my future husband. heeheehee. =)

4. What is the city of your dreams and why?

I just really wish to go to Europe especially Rome...It's just sooo beautiful!!

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Moe to an Introvert definitely..

6. What is your opinion on eating meat?

What's wrong with that in the first place?

7. Do you trust easily?

I would say yes - and that is also why I get hurt easily too when the trust is broken..

8. Choose between thongs or g-string?

I'm old fashioned... so I guess I don't have to say it out.. hahaa.. =x

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?

yes.. something to do with the time i spend mostly on.....

10. What is your worst quality?

Lacking of personal self confidence..

11. What is happiness?

Hapiness is being able to really laugh my heart out naturally with someone I feel very comfortable with just like TF and buddee.. =)

12. How do you see yourself?

Social Life (do i really have one? LOL!) - low self esteem, not very sociable, too caring towards everybody more than myself, too easily hurt, trust people easily, easy-going..

Work Life - Confident in things I know, certain, sometimes demanding, responsible, over-committed, serious, sometimes tend to look for perfection but will always remind myself of the stand..

Physically - can be very SMILEY =D, fat! BIG FEET! =( long natural black hair, many moles especially on my face. =X hahaha..

13. What do you wish to change about yourself?

SLIM DOWN!!! =X , increase personal self confidence..

14. Do you think about sex often?


15. What would you do if you won the lottery?

depending on how much. If it's really a windfall, I'll use the money to pay off whatever debts my family has, donate some to reliable charity and of course pamper myself and some friends! =)

15. Would you rather be in a happy marriage and poor or a bad marriage and rich?

Being happy is more important to me than being rich.

16. Before you go to sleep, what do you usually think about?

"When can I find the right one?" , "When will HE appear?" =X LOL!

17. Where do broken hearts go?

To close friends will be there for you.. =)

18. Do you believe in fate?


19. Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?

I'd rather be a beggar than having sex with stranger for money. What's more, I don't think my V***** is worth any price. IT'S PRICELESS! -.-"

20. What were your parents going to name you if you'd been born the opposite gender?

I was told that I was nearly aborted as my parents then already had my two rascal brothers and they feared it's gonna be another BOY but according to my mum. she said she had a dream the Goddess Guanyin told her the baby(ME) in her tummy was a girl so she kept it and indeed, I'm a GIRL! LOL! no idea what kinda names.. My brothers - Desmond Yip Zhen Fei, Barry Yip Zhen Yong.. Jimmy Yip Zhen Liang? LOL! anyhow de.. hahhaa

The 8 people! - wahahah!! my turn to take revenge! LOL!!

1. Angeline

2. Raymond

3. Gladys

4. HuiBing

5. Esther

6. Fangjie

7. Kenny xiaoming

8. Kenneth veggie!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


its a tired and sleepy day for me. but who cares!

Friday night was fun! Went for dinner with Jessie, Juli, LiPing, Terry, Ryan and Derick at Changi Villiage. Juli is so funny. She's actually a Phillipino and though she's a PR and have been living in Singapore for a long time because of her husband Prem, she has not been to Changi Villiage before. She asked Ryan a question: Why is Changi pronounced and Chang-ngi and not Chan-gi? LOL!!! Ryan had a hard time explaining to her though. haha.. She's a great great singer. Well, Phillipine girls are damn good at singing. better than mariah carey maybe? hahaha... We had flower crabs, veggies, clams (I don't eat that though), my favorite steam fish and also the DAMN fresh prawns! LOL! wah.. its so DAMN full can. To think I ate a bowl of rice only! hahaha... After that, went with Jessie to smoke out of the coffeeshop. Saw one lady whom we saw the other time. A very good drinker and knows how to appreciate wine. She gave Jessie a glass of wine. Jessie drank it in two mouthful and finished it. Says it very nice. She asked me to try it. I drank it and it was really oh my gosh. That wine was really fantastic!! It's easy to drink and the taste that lingers in your mouth even after you swallow it is not like otherkidns of wine. Its simply DAMN good! Derick knows that lady so he introduced us to each other. She's actually the MD of DODO Fishball. After some chatting, we went back to our table and chat with the others.. Suddenly Derick suggest that we all go to Scarlet City for Karaoke if there is room available. that was around 9.30pm and I'm supposed to work 6am, latest 7am the next day! -.-" But i go with the majority. and even if we back out, They will still force us to go. Just like Jessie. haha. she didn't want to go but still, she had to go. LOL!

At scarlet, it was totally DAMN fun! and of course tired. I kept singing and singing, then when it's not my turn, it's Juli's turn. LOL! like our concert. LOL! others enjoy the night by listening and entertaining themselves. The MD Lady came also, with the Boss of the Seafood restaurant we went for Dinner. Derick brought one of his very good friend along as well. It's like so many people! but it was really fun. Of course not forgeting Ted the funny one. haha. We were like singing and there'll be calefare dancers around the room. LOL! people grinding and stripping at the corner. DAMN crazy. Derick dared the boss to take of his shirt and he'll take of his PANTS!!! -.-" It was really OH MY GOD!!!! and the guy did. Main reason why Derick wanted the boss to take off his shirt was because that guy has a piece of tattoo at his back, full back! but too bad. When that guy took off his shirt, we girls only managed to see a glimpse of the tattoo before we turn to the opposite direction when we sw Derick going to take off his PANTS! -.-" and also all kinds of things la. they dancing and dancing. 2 guys dancing those sexy dance. LOL! should have taken Video and post it but was too grossed. LOL! so GAY! hahaha.... nevertheless, it was still a DAMN happy and enjoyable night - besides the tiredness. We left Scarlet about 2.45pm then Jessie Juli and LiPing had to take a cab home from there because they all live at East Side Tampines and Pasir Ris. Derick sent me home since I live somewhat quite near him - less than 10minutes away. LOL! Together with us is Ted and Adrian - derick's friend. Adrian is a rich person. LOL! He drives a beautiful BMW with full body kit and its WHITE! and it's really WHITE and not DUST! LOL! not like someone's car, Little White seems to be Little Dust or Little Grey. LOL! It's really a beauty man.. And i'm the last one to alight before the Ahmad goes home. haha.. by the time i reach home was already 3am plus.. And I was so DAMN tired. Bathed and only managed to fall asleep at 4am plus. Woke up at 6.30am to go work at 7am. -.-"

Somewhat upset with work issues.
There's a gap somewhere somewhat..
My fault?
I have my reasons..
The truth will come to light one day..

Thursday, July 24, 2008

O bar..

it was my off day yesterday. Breakfast in the morning, den did housekeeping, or rather ROOMkeeping. LOL! my room is so messy. haha.. but still haven't complete. cos i was go lazy and tired. and been watching Beach.Ball.Babes on MobTV. LOL! wahahha.. night time went to O bar with dad and eldest brother to look for second brother and kuangmao. drinking and singing. kinda fun and nice though. as in one family going together. Well, next friday I'm bringing them to Scarlet City. cos dad wanna sing, den might as well i bring them there. I swear I'm gonna take pictures! LOL! =D

I did something meaningful and nice yesterday. =) Mr Xavier Tu called me up asking me if I know where Angeline was but since I wasn't working yesterday, I don't exactly know but just think she should be in her office finishing some unfinished stuffs before going off. He asked me to help him cause he's there to give her a surprise! so sweet right? He asked me to find a way to "meet her and fix a time" so i called her and asked her to meet for dinner. Then I called Xavier and told him the time and stuffs.. den he's next question "Is there any florist shop in downtown??" gosh.. My reply was " You're giving me goosebumps already!" LOL!! they are so sweet la. or rather, xavier is the one. hahah... OOPS! den i sent angeline a sms "Please call 995 if you see a fainted girl in front of the glass door.." LOL!! cos i told her I'm dead hungry and I don't wanna wait long. haha that was about 8.10pm. LOL! I guess she rushed down and when she saw Xavier there instead of me, she sent me a sms " LIAR!" LOL!!! but i guess it was worthwhile.... heehee... ain't them sweet? haha. Xavier bought her a stalk of rose i guess. and they went home together. hahaha.. She even asked her manager to join "us" for the "dinner" luckily her manager couldn't make it. LOL!! otherwise she'll be so paiseh. LOL!!! anyway just wish both of hem blissful love... :)

I'm starting to plan for my birthday chalet party.. was kinda shocked initially because my list of invites was soooo damn long! OMG. i had to cancel off some =X. but still, had to split up to 2 days and each day is approximately 70 people. OMG right?! hai... It's been so long since i last celebrated my birthday. and of course there's a reason behind why i did not celebrate my birthday for the past years.. whoever knows, knows. whoever doesn't, shall not bother about knowing la. =) hehehe..

Await for my sms/e-mail/whatever official invitations. =)

Friday, July 18, 2008

the impact..


the dream really made impacts on me.

The dream was on Monday night, I couldn't sleep. I woke up early on tuessday and wasn't late for work.

Tuesday night I can't sleep. I woke up early and wasn't late for work again.

Wednesday night I can't get to sleep at all! Thursday morning I wasn't late for work.

Thursday night I slept at about 12am. I woke up at 6.30am and I can't get to sleep!!!

C'mon man! I'm lacking of sleep and you don't allow me to sleep! you took away my guts already why take away my sleep!!! Please. return me my sleep. I don't wanna look any older!!! =(

Okay this is for my fellow part timers: Sunday organizing badminton and blading/cycling session. Anyone interested?? Time should be 8/9am till 5pm. Please RSVP through comments or sms okay. Badminton in D'tent. =X blading/cycling in pasir ris park bah.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

kept my balls in my pocket..

One freaking nightmare i had last night, made me woke up with fear and I cried as if it was real.but I was really frightened, till now. I've lost my guts. I was telling angeline this afternoon. If I was a guy, the right phrase to describe how i'm feeling since the nightmare - I'm keeping my balls in my pocket for fear it'll drop.

Never had I felt this frightened before. I literally woke up, started crying loudly and I was freaking scared. I had similar dreams but I don't know why this dream made my behave this way.

It goes something like this..

I was in a cab heading somewhere. The cab is moving in quite a fast speed and all of a sudden, One short and stout guy with a wierd looking face grabbed the door opened and tried to come in the cab. Of course, I started screaming like mad already. The driver actually sped up but that wierdo actually managed to keep up and got into the cab!! I was screaming frantically like mad already. Then suddenly the wierdo said to me " Your dad is dead already", I continued screaming.

Then i woke up.. started crying.. and was extremely scared... Just nice my dad called me, thinking I'm not home yet and asked me where am I. I was crying in the phone and mumbling while crying, he got a shocked. He told me to go out and sit in the living room first. I did. After a while my eldest brother suddenly came out and looked for me. I think he heared me crying as I was crying quite loudly. Again he asked me what heppened and again I mumbled while crying. -.-" Dad finally came home, bought supper. He den said he'll accompany me to sleep for the night.
In the initial part, I slept at 9Pm, woke up at 12am with the freaking nightmare, went back to try to sleep at 1am but couldn't get to sleep till 4am. -.-" woke up at 7.45am. is so Oh My God. Damn tired. But still damn scared, even till now. Somehow it's still in my head. I just can't get off it. To the extend, I'll scared till I tremble ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Summer's Wind, I'll always remember..

Monday, July 14, 2008

it's been sooo long...

It's been so long.. since I last went home while the sky is still bright.
It's been so long.. since I last brought my laptop home.
It's been so long.. since I last saw my TF.
It's been so long.. since I last saw ah pao, ah yang and nicholas.
It's been so long.. since I last played pool.
It's been so long.. since I last too a bus to work.
It's been so long.. since I last saw Esther.
It's been so long ... ... ... ... ... ...

It seems like yesterday.. that I met my TF.
It seems like yesterday.. that I graduated from Holy High.
It seems like yesterday.. that I bought my first secondhand phone Nokia 6260.
It seems like yesterday.. that I went to Macau.
It seems like yesterday.. that I went to Batam.
It seems like yesterday.. that I still live in 408.
It seems like yesterday ... ... ... ... ... ...

Today is the wierd day.
I took bus to work this morning.
I left the office and went HOME at 6pm.
I reached HOME while the sky is still bright.
I bought my own dinner.
I puked after dinner.
I had only 5 minutes for my Breakfast.
I had only 15minutes for my Lunch.
I brought my laptop home.
I'm already prepared to sleep by 8.30pm.
I completed Sudoku faster than any other time.
I don't seem to be myself at all.
Today ... ... ... ... ... ...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

i can't hide anymore..

Since Angeline have updated her blog about yesterday, I can't hide it anymore.. please read.. extracted from her blog...

Dinner at Bedok 85 with Xavier and Emmeline was awesome!
Ba Chou Mee, ngor hiang, stingray, chickcn wings, and sugar cane drinks.
Super full!
We talked a lot, and laughed a lot.
Double full!
While we were waiting for a cab, a bird chose to shit above us, and it ended up on Emmeline's head. Goodness, I practically had to grab my stomach and squat beside the road, cause my stomach hurt like mad!
Maybe if she buy the time the shit landed on her, she will win 4D.

ya. the words in BOLD is the main thing. -.-" i was THAT lucky man.. and you know what? it's hurts okay! I thought it was some nuts that dropped on my head initially until i touched my head and was like " OH MY GOD!" then Mr and Mrs Tu started laughing non stop. -.-"

okay. and as for two days ago (Friday)...

Angeline came down for interview for NTUC CLUB jobs.. den meet her, slack around.. chatting stuffs.. den night went for dinner at... food court.! hahaa. chicken rice. LOL! nothing special one la. hahaha.. den we went back foyer of office, chat and stuffs.. den suddenly we thought of going for bowling. So much for a friday, indeed it's full and the waiting list is like "wait forever". -.-' yea. Angeline den siad she never experienced the downtown flyer before so since i'm a staff.. haha. (freeee) so i brought her and xiaowen in to experience it. Though xiaowen and I had the experience before.. we took some photos but i don't have it cos it's with Angeline. haha. Please visit for the pictures. hahaha.. and Mrs Tu, please send me the photos when you read this entry. hahaha. Send through MSN as zip or whatever. or load full size somewhewre so i could save. it. hahaha.


My life is not that ineresting you know??

Sunday, July 6, 2008

be my light.. will you..?

like what TF said. Play till die den work till die... -.-" ya its a fact. he's one end, i'm the other end. he'll play till die but i'll work till i die. wth. ?!

anyway, was reading gladys's blog just now. Felt very happy for her and raymond. =) they're together like finally. haha. can see that they really love each other alot and enjoy each other's company. glad that they're finally together la. =) yea.

then thinking about myself. hai. like when will i find mine. pros and cons for being single or attached. it's been more than 2 years of single-ship. perhaps i need to look for someone to love me and dote on me. but am i eligible? many a times due to low self confidence, i lose out on this. i'm such a loser right? yea i do agree. and many a times i wonder how would my future relationship be like? will he be the one i walk down the aisle with? for fear of being hurt once again. I totally had no confidence to be in a relationship again. Like what i told biling few days back when we had heart to heart talk together at her house. I'm someone with confidence at work, but no personal confidence. that's the weakest point. Though buddee once said: everyone has their own special points to attract the other. And i know i have the special point but i just don't know what it is and i don't know! it's not that i'm desperate for someone to love, but i'm still waiting for that someone to appear. However, I don't even know if I have the courage and confident to be with him. People around me all have their partners already, and slowly one by one will get married. Then i know the question will be thrown to me - When's your turn girl? I'm really envious when I see people bringing their partner to meet their friends and go out together, going to family dinners together, going to each other's class gathering or whatsoever. It's really nice. And i tend to be asking myself inside me, when will it be my turn to be that happy? Many a times people just ask me " you got no boyfriend meh?" "where's your boyfriend?". I don't have. then people start to ask further " why don't have?" " go find one lah!" BLAH BLAH BLAH. hai. restless.

loves like a runway but which one do I love more?

Many a times I obviously know who's better for me, but I just... don't know what to do...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

buy, buying, bought..

YAY! i'm so happy.. Last friday went out with TF to Starhub to get my new phone!! =D Xiexie TF! LOL!!. is it FOC? hahaha no la. i gotta pay him back. =s LOL! well, I've finally gotten my N95 8Gb phone!!! woohoo! and I was so foolish, whole night exploring my phone and trying to figure out how to transfer my 700 over contacts from my old Nokia "TV" phone to my new phone till I saw the "Phone Switch" function and played with it den i realised everything was just THAT EASY! and I played my phone till the morning wee hours 3am plus.. -.-" when i was supposed to work 7.30am the next morning.. oh gosh.. -.-" LOL! was late again.. =X

(photos extracted from internet. hahaha..)

Last sunday till yesterday was chalet madness. Sunday and Monday night was mine, just with some colleagues for some casual gathering. With Jessie, Xiaowen, Angeline, LiPing, Derick, WeiMeng, Kenneth. We had alot of fun! =) den MOnay night was with Ted, Derick, LiPing, Juli, Prem, Mohammad from engineering. I had a bad night cos I had a terrible spinning head suddenly and I was helped into the chalet room to take a rest until TF called me up and woke me up from my wonderful rest. -.-" but We still had alot of fun la. =) den yesterday was a birthday Surprise from Prem to his wifey Juli. Everything is so cute and sweet and loving. haha. Prem was so shy to express his love for his wife and we all know he love his wife alot thought it doesn't seem so on the outside. He's just someone who doesn't know how to express his feelings la. LOL! so cute!! haha. and the open minded jokes was totally hilarious!! OMG i'm so contaminated. it's like throughout the three days, we were all laughing madly to all the jokes, especially the dirty jokes and open minded jokes. hahaha. and the "bicycle and the bone" story. haahha!!! buay tahan! LOL! too bad we did not take pictures again!!! -.-" but the food was just damn great. crabs! prawns! fish! chicken wings! my favorite valleychef hotdogs! the bacon and prawns. bacon and veg. first time i'm eating raw veggies can! -.-" cos the chef forced me to.. -.-" but was not bad though. hahaha wanted to ask TF along but like I said and told him, he's working mornign shift, i know he won't go home and come down de. LOL! and it really as his answer. -.-'

Today went for my EXSA Gold Supervisory Category Course! I got Gold this year!!! =DD and like finally I've gotten my MDIS cert and transcript liao .. phew.. after waiting for so damn freaking long man.. duhs. went to shihui's shop today to get the phone cover for my phone. and screen protector too. hahahah. =D i'm so happy! woohoots!

"Granny, please get well soon.. we want you to go home.. please... "

"Loves like a runway but which one do I love more"
