dad's back in town!!

after so long, finally my dad is back in Singapore.. been waiting for so long and missing him so so much...
well. yesterday was a bad day for me. super tired day. I had WSQ class in the morning and we had only 4 hours to complete our final assignment in class. oh man! its crazy. but we still had to do it and its great too! i did the presentation and i felt like a professional. i donno why, but it seems that i have not been impressed yet by any of my classmates be it in MDIS or at TAS. i feel that the way they present their stuffs, they don't do it properly and they don portray themselves well! seriously, i do feel that i did the best presentation however. not boasting or what la. but its just some facts i feel. i mean, c'mon! its presentation man! duhs! well anyway, the only fault i find with myself for presentation is that i just cant stop trembbling. my hand will tremble. i donno why. i'm not realll afraid, probably just a little. but.. well. whatever la. ya.
Do you believe in soul mates?
Actually, i do. Well, soul mates have different meaning to everybody and to me, soul mate does not need to be someone you spend the rest of your life with. It does not have to mean being in relationship. To me, a friend can also be a soul mate as long as he or she has the affinity with you. To me, i've found two real soul mates who happen to be guys. guess i don have to say it you'll also know who it is. Leong Fu Sheng and Zeng Qing Dian. =) thank god for blessing me with two soul mates. a buddy and a true friend i can never bear to lose. they're just like part of my life. yea.

I've known Fusheng since Secondary 2 but we only became real good friends in Secondary 3. haha. so funny. the only things i can remember about him in Secondary 2 is that he always comes around the class asking for money cos he's the treasurer. haha. and he's the thick skin guy who comes to me asking me can he eat the cup cake that i've just baked from home economics class and after eating the first one, he say it was very ncie and asked for a second one. THINCK SKIN isn't he?! LOL!! but thinking back was funny la. haha. and we spent the whole of our Secondary 3 and 4 lifes together just like a couple, that's what everybody says. haha. they never believed that we're all along JUST FRIENDS! LOL!! and yes we are just friends! music was part of the reason that kept us together. haha. he was learning his guitar and though i don't know how to play a guitar, but i do know the little theory that i could teach him with .=) yea. and on and on.. playing games on his computer, going out for movies and blah blah blah. studying. well. those days were just really memorable to me. yea. can't believe we spent his 15th birthday together, just the two of us, going karaoke. LOL! we just have the passion to sing la! haha. and we went for the campus superstar auditions together with a few of this friends. lol. it was hilarious. i just went for fun. haha. yea. and of course, the list of funs can go on and on and on..but of course not forgetting the day we had a terrible quarrel. 23rd September. not that i'm petty till i remember the date but becasue of other reasons la. ya. it was really bad. he even mentioned about breaking the friendship in his then blog. oh gosh! i cried when i read it. it felt totally terrible. but still, we made it back and are still buddies! why i call him my buddy.? since we left secondary school, we hardly met. seriously. but still, each time i had a problem and if i approach him, i would be totally surprised by WHY he can actually read my mind and know what i'm thinking! its like a WOW thing you know. isn't it wonderful when someone is able to read your mind and tells you exactly how you feel and consoles you. its just.. there's no words to describe. the advices he gives me is like 'hey why didn;t i thought of that?!' and its just what will turn out good for me. he has always been there for me no matter rain or shine. and he's that good. though he has a girlfriend now of more thatn one year, but nevertheless, i wish his happiness with whoever he is with. =)

I knew QingDian out of coincidence. Well, probably. haha. maybe its fate la. but whatever.. We were at my band's trumpet chalet, and Teeyong the then drum major after me and melvin, were best friends with qingdian and alan. ya. they too were there at the chalet. yup. jiabao and i went there too. cos she accompany me. yea. well, she knew the two of them ,so they were like chatitng all the way. At that time, i smoked. so we were smoking and chatting together. suddenly, jiabao had to go off already so left with me and them. i wasn't very close with them and i in fact only knew alan cos he used to woo jiabao. ya. so i just stayed on lo. den at one point of time i felt like smoking and qingdian's cigarettes was there, so i asked alan if i can take and he say call him and let him know lo. so i did. ya. after that, we were like playing and chatting whole night. hah. the next morning when we went home, we saw rainbow and i made the silliest mistake by shouting " eh cai hong!!" like i've never seen one before. haha. after that they both laughed and laughed and i repeated thw whole scene when qingdian actually took a video of it. was kinda stupid but funny la. haha. wow. this is only one day and i wrote so much le. LOL! anyway after that we were like almost smsing everyday la. ya. and that stupid jiabao can actually come and tell me that she thinks that qd likes me cos he asked her for my msn and blah blah blah that kind. so stupid though. ya. but this guys is really hilarious and he's just.. i don't know how to explain. he's jkust such a dear. ya. he can really htink of things that can really make your day. we've been spending so much time with each other especially last year after he graduated from ITE and started working at DTE. its like almost everyday! especially the period of time when he received his NS enlistment letter. cant imagine he called me the minute he saw the letter and furnished me with the details, as if i was the one who is going for NS. hahaha. but it was really funny though but i treasured the moments. We go shopping, meals, walking around, bodyshopping, working, playing, fixing puzzles. almost everything from a to z. it was just, i think it was the best times of my life man. he made me cry with those unexpected touching words he told me before. he gave me a pleasant surprise on my 17th birthday and we spent like the whole 24hours togehter. haha. ya. more than that actually, cos the day before we were working and that night i went his house cos on the day itself i was also working and blah blah blah. ya. and he calls me his girlfriend in DTE. LOL!! he's my part time boyfriend in DTE also la. LOL!! the day before he enlist his NS on the 10 of October, i accompanied his to stores to get his neccessities and everything he needed, and even helped him check that the things he needed are bought and that he did not miss out any, just like a mother. LOL!! seriously, i thought that after that day, my days would be over but i was totally wrong! he still msges me and calls me now almost everyday asking me how am i and hows things, meeting me and stuffs, just like usual. gosh. i just felt the presence of living in someone! its just so special. ya. even after he book out, on duty or whatsoever, he kept me alive. there's no way i can actually really say thank you to him, but whatever i can, i will. he's the best one anyone can ever get. i just wish that he finds his girl quick and wish him happiness. hopefulyl he's able to get the HER that he likes and i know who but i won't say it out here. ya. bless them.. =)
Isn't it great? i just feels so blessed sometimes when i'm with them. because to me, i don't really think i deserve it. thats y. and the amazing thing about me and the two of them is that, i never liked them as in boyfriend girlfriend kind. Its just lpainly the love for a friend, nothing more than that. ya. it's just so beautiful la.
"its just funny and wierd when sometimes feelings speaks everything"
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