Monday, May 25, 2009

special dedication to the girls. =)

It's been like... 3.5 years ever since I graduated from HIHS, and HIMB.

Take a look....

4years ago (2005)4 years later... (2009)

2005 when I was working at PL, this 3 girls always come visit me. I won't forget my 17th birthday surprise which TF had planned for me. It was funny. That time was Esther, Fangjie and HuiQi who came to give me the surprise. LOL! It was really great!

My 17th birthday note on the flipchart board. haha..

I love you girls too! =)

That's my 19th birthday present from the four of them. Esther, Fangjie, HuiBing, HuiQi. =)

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