Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
monday night i had the most unbearable gastric pain that i had to go to the hospital. I was crying. Damn. Went to hospital at about 10.15pm and reached home only at 1am. Doctor arranged for an appointment with the gastroenterology department. And they called me yesterday afternoon and gave me my appointment date. Wonderful! 31st december. Oh gosh and i have to work on that day!! It's countdown party man! And while in between waiting for my appointment day, doctor gave me medication for 3 full weeks. Oh man! I see the medicine i nearly faint xia. Goodness! It's so much!!
I guess I really have to take care of this tiny thing called gastric. -.-" it really can kill me.. I nearly died from bearing the pain. Luckily dad is back and he accompanied me to hospital. Otherwise I don't know what I'll do or who I'll call man.. *sighs*
I've not been having a good 'end of the year' this time.. everything is so wrong..
Can you remember what you did or ate 2 weeks ago when the thing is not significant to you? crazy... Some people tried to find fault with me for a function which happened 2 weeks ago almost 3 weeks and wants an answer. like so stupid. anyway it's not my fault its her fault! so c'mon wake up! If you really dislike me and want to pick on me, just come to me straight! don't go one big round. And don't you have a mouth to convey messages yourself? or and you sure have that fast typing fingers to send a nasty e-mail with bombastic words to bomb me so why don't you do it? oh.. maybe you're guilty huh. but i don't think you'll be because to you, the whole world is wrong and only you are right. I'm so sorry. I'm not a boot licker. my tongue is used to taste food, not to lick your boots!!
Things and 'news' can go on spreading, true and false be it. Sooner or later, the truth will come to light. I don't need anyone to know or recognise the hard work or effort or commitment one puts in. Just know in the heart and appreciate will do. Yet some people just don't even know how to say two simple words - THANK YOU. how unappreciative. It's okay.. just tolerate.. till the time is ripe... the fruit will grow and it'll drop and grow else where!
I believe I can, I will and I MUST!
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