Tuesday, July 15, 2008

kept my balls in my pocket..

One freaking nightmare i had last night, made me woke up with fear and I cried as if it was real.but I was really frightened, till now. I've lost my guts. I was telling angeline this afternoon. If I was a guy, the right phrase to describe how i'm feeling since the nightmare - I'm keeping my balls in my pocket for fear it'll drop.

Never had I felt this frightened before. I literally woke up, started crying loudly and I was freaking scared. I had similar dreams but I don't know why this dream made my behave this way.

It goes something like this..

I was in a cab heading somewhere. The cab is moving in quite a fast speed and all of a sudden, One short and stout guy with a wierd looking face grabbed the door opened and tried to come in the cab. Of course, I started screaming like mad already. The driver actually sped up but that wierdo actually managed to keep up and got into the cab!! I was screaming frantically like mad already. Then suddenly the wierdo said to me " Your dad is dead already", I continued screaming.

Then i woke up.. started crying.. and was extremely scared... Just nice my dad called me, thinking I'm not home yet and asked me where am I. I was crying in the phone and mumbling while crying, he got a shocked. He told me to go out and sit in the living room first. I did. After a while my eldest brother suddenly came out and looked for me. I think he heared me crying as I was crying quite loudly. Again he asked me what heppened and again I mumbled while crying. -.-" Dad finally came home, bought supper. He den said he'll accompany me to sleep for the night.
In the initial part, I slept at 9Pm, woke up at 12am with the freaking nightmare, went back to try to sleep at 1am but couldn't get to sleep till 4am. -.-" woke up at 7.45am. is so Oh My God. Damn tired. But still damn scared, even till now. Somehow it's still in my head. I just can't get off it. To the extend, I'll scared till I tremble ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Summer's Wind, I'll always remember..

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