Sunday, July 6, 2008

be my light.. will you..?

like what TF said. Play till die den work till die... -.-" ya its a fact. he's one end, i'm the other end. he'll play till die but i'll work till i die. wth. ?!

anyway, was reading gladys's blog just now. Felt very happy for her and raymond. =) they're together like finally. haha. can see that they really love each other alot and enjoy each other's company. glad that they're finally together la. =) yea.

then thinking about myself. hai. like when will i find mine. pros and cons for being single or attached. it's been more than 2 years of single-ship. perhaps i need to look for someone to love me and dote on me. but am i eligible? many a times due to low self confidence, i lose out on this. i'm such a loser right? yea i do agree. and many a times i wonder how would my future relationship be like? will he be the one i walk down the aisle with? for fear of being hurt once again. I totally had no confidence to be in a relationship again. Like what i told biling few days back when we had heart to heart talk together at her house. I'm someone with confidence at work, but no personal confidence. that's the weakest point. Though buddee once said: everyone has their own special points to attract the other. And i know i have the special point but i just don't know what it is and i don't know! it's not that i'm desperate for someone to love, but i'm still waiting for that someone to appear. However, I don't even know if I have the courage and confident to be with him. People around me all have their partners already, and slowly one by one will get married. Then i know the question will be thrown to me - When's your turn girl? I'm really envious when I see people bringing their partner to meet their friends and go out together, going to family dinners together, going to each other's class gathering or whatsoever. It's really nice. And i tend to be asking myself inside me, when will it be my turn to be that happy? Many a times people just ask me " you got no boyfriend meh?" "where's your boyfriend?". I don't have. then people start to ask further " why don't have?" " go find one lah!" BLAH BLAH BLAH. hai. restless.

loves like a runway but which one do I love more?

Many a times I obviously know who's better for me, but I just... don't know what to do...

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